Friday, 20 September 2013

One Size Down

Hello, yes its me again. Seem like I have been treating this space like my own haha. Well, the girls are so busy with their business and work, so I keep you update once in awhile. I hope I won't bore you. 


I just got myself a pair of new jeans last week and guess what, I am now one size down from my usual size. Woohoo. I have been wearing Size UK14 for the past 5 years (college years) and UK16 years before that. I'm pretty excited when my wide hips can fit in UK12.

This is another step closer to fit my skinny jeans.

More kilos and few sizes to go.


Monday, 9 September 2013

Oats And Apple Skinny Pancake

Oats And Apple Skinny Pancake
Serving For 1

1 cup of instant or rolled oats
1 apple (1/2 diced apple for batter and 1/2 diced apple for topping)
1/2 cup of low-fat milk
1 egg
1/4 tsp cinnamon powder
1 tsp vanilla extract
2-3 tbsp honey

1. Put oats, 1/2 apple and low-fat milk in a blender and blend well. 
2. Transfer oats batter in a bowl and add egg, cinnamon powder and vanilla extract. Mixed well. 
3. Heat a non-stick pan on medium heat. Lightly coat the pan with olive oil and pour 1/3 of the batter. 
4. Cook for a minute, then use a spatula to flip the pancake. 
5. Served warm pancakes with diced apple, honey and cinnamon powder. 



Sunday, 8 September 2013

Lazy Day Workout

Some of us are very lazy to starts work out, so do I haha. I haven't work out for months! Oh my. 

I found this on pinterest while I browsing this morning and guess what, I did the lazy day workout. Oh yeah. Well, now my right calf is a little bit sore from the single leg raises but it's okay atleast I did workout today. A little achievement for a lazy me ;-)

Source : pinterest


Saturday, 31 August 2013

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Cheat Day at Iftar

We don't usually have a cheat day but when we do, we ordered the most delicious fattening foods.

We had Indian food for iftar last week as a treat to ourselves for lost few pounds in a week. So, to fulfill our long overdue craving, we ordered Double Cheese Butter Garlic Naan, Spinach, Lamb Stew, Butter Chicken and Tandoori Chicken. Food galore for three hungry girls.

Oh, I'm salivating now. 

The best Naan & Tandoori in Melaka
Photo credit to Zeehin

Photo credit to Zeehin

Tandoori Chicken and Double Cheese Butter Garlic Naan

Spinach, Butter Chicken and Lamb Stew
